My self Dr . Sharad Saxena . I’m Genral Surgeon at Ashok Nagar (M.P). I got Retinal detachment in my Left Eye 4 month & underwent retinal surgery with silicon oil in same eye 4 month’s ago else were Bhopal. After retinal surgery i had Sever eye Pain & Redness Watering ever after 15 days of SX and no improvement of vision too. That why i couldn’t do my Surgeries . everything i m unable to see my OPD patient . I consult to doctor regarding my vision & pain . He gave same medicine even though I didn’t get any relief in my eye . Then I came to know information about Netrika Netralaya & Dr. Vineet Gour after thorough examination he told me , My Left Eye optic nerve getting damaged and retinal again detached & He show me on OCT Scan . I was shocked after the news. Then Dr. Vineet explained me each & every thing about retina & retina surgery and assured me for re surgery retina surgery then I under went repeat retina surgery at Netrika Netralaya . Retina Surgery underwent very smooth No pain no discomfort during Surgery & post op too.